Good morning fellow bloggers and friends 😉
What a beautiful day it is outside here in good old Indiana..It’s about time we see that sun shining!
Since it was raining and gloomy out yesterday, I decided it was my day to clean bathrooms (yuk) and arrange my master bathroom and closet.
After being here for a year already, I still had yet to hang up all of my clothing and find a place to put my make-up, hair products, nail product etc. I have just been living out of my baskets. This is highly unlike me because I have what my husband calls, “design A.D.D.” Not to mention it drives him crazy when the house is in disarray. He seriously has O.C.D. as to where I have I.G.D.E.D. (it’ll get done eventually disorder).
After all is said and done, I came up with this for my make-up. I found this giant martini glass at Goodwill for $2.99. I cleaned it up and have used it for various thing. (I have also seen this jar at Wal-Mart for ten bucks.) As you will start to see, I love using clear glass containers for everything. And as I have probably mentioned in an older post, I used to own and operate a candy buffet business, so when I was on the prowl for jars, I accumulated A LOT of containers. Some of which I can not seem to bring myself to get rid of. Why? Because I can use them for so many other cool projects! Like this one…Again, I have just taken something I had lying around the house and turned it into a really cool make-up holder.
This pic is of the top of the jar just giving you an idea of how much make-up can fit inside!
Peek-a-boo, yes that is me in the picture below posing with my iPhone. The hubby had to take my good camera to work today (ignore the incomplete paint job in the background:)