It’s Saturday & today me and my girlfriend are going canoeing to help celebrate my 28th birthday! My true birthday is not until next week but I figured why not start early 😉 we have had this planned for a couple weeks now and I have been trying to figure out “how am I going to bring my phone cigarets etc?”
I have had some bad experiences with tipping a canoe and losing my phone to the river several times.
I think it’s safe to say my phone is my life!! I have used all those other “water proof” plastic containers and NEVER had any luck..j/s
Ever heard of a Mason Jar?
I use them for EVERYTHING. A few examples are: candle holders, piggy banks, coffee, lemonade, vases, toothbrush holder..& so as you can see I always have Mason Jars around.
This in mind, I put some loose change in a jar, put the lid on as tight as it’ll go and set it in a sink full of water over night. I woke up this morning and wasn’t surprised at all, the change was dry as a bone!! (I heart my Mason Jars)
I like to think of myself being a “border line” smoker. I only have cigarets when I’m drinking, so those were a must for today. As well as my phone and a disposable camera. All of which fit perfectly inside a Wide Mouth Mason Jar.
So there you have it. Want to keep your things dry while canoeing? I know I do.