Yes, I mean your old Victoria’s Secret nighties or robes.
Over the weekend, I was going thru my basket full of old nighties thinking it’s probably time to discard the ones I haven’t used in 7 plus years so I can start making room for new ones…that fit!
Upon going thru my basket I was thinking to myself, “this one is so cute why haven’t I worn it in so long?” So I put a few aside thinking I’ll try them on before I say goodbye; that way I know for sure I won’t regret giving them up, because I have a tendency of keeping things in thinking, “I used to look good in it, therefore I will again”…(laughing out loud). Just like those size 4 jeans hanging in my closet I know I’ll never get past my badonkadonk EVER again!
Immediately after trying them on I regretted my decision to care why I hadn’t put them on in so long…One was ripped up the side and another had a button missing, and one looked like it could fit my 5 year old. So me being me, I thought I can totally use this fabric for something else. It was such a pretty pattern to
just trash so I started cutting to put into my collection of fabric.
After all was said and done, I saw potential out of this piece
I used it as a head scarf in these pix but have also used it as a neck scarf using the European Loop. Needless to say, this turned out to be a very fun and easy craft project.
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